2020-02-26 Meeting Notes - External Documentation


Feb 26, 2020


  • @Joshua Shaw

    • note taker

  • @Valerie Addonizio

  • @James Griffin (Unlicensed)


  • review current status of integrations outreach

  • review current status of integrations working draft page

  • next steps

Notes & Tasks

Next meeting 3/24 @ 1-2 EST

Decisions & Tasks

Decided to revert to table layout since list view was proving harder to parse.

Integrations page to be completed by 3/23/2020

A general statement about when the page/list was last reviewed will replace the ‘last updated’ column in each table

Will add a link to the Awesome ArchivesSpace plugin page as a way to provide users with information about useful plugins that may not qualify as integrations - example Harvard EAD tools.

Joshua will add Dartmouth’s niche OnBase integration with notes explaining the niche-ness

Joshua will explore Aviary and add to the Content systems table

Valerie will chat with Sarit about a joint meeting of the documentation and survey teams. Meeting most likely TBD after 3/30/2020

James will continue to follow up on CollectionsSpace