2019-10-11 Meeting notes

2019-10-11 Meeting notes


Oct 11, 2019

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Meeting ID: 596 237 251

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Meeting ID: 596 237 251
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  • @Dallas Pillen

  • @Valerie Addonizio (Unlicensed)

  • @Edgar Garcia (Unlicensed) - absent

  • @James Griffin (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarit Hand

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Joshua Shaw


  • Review 2019-2020 work plan

  • Brainstorm ideas for Oct. 15 TAC meeting

Discussion topics









2 min

Roll Call

@Dallas Pillen

  • Assign note taker

  • Note taker: @Sarit Hand

30 min

2019-2020 work plan


Discussion took place regarding the work plan draft.

  • Sarit - proposed including documentation of integration other than large institutions for smaller institutions with fewer resources

  • Valerie - recommended reorganizing the layout of the site to make it more user friendly

  • Randy - suggested encouraging common integration practices encouraging global policies

  • Some general suggestions:

    • Possible redesign of site includes restructuring to account for different integrations using the same systems.

    • provide a way to allow people to act on impulse to add comments or share their integration use case, make this more prominent on the site to encourage community involvement

    • Possibly break out work into further subgroups

  • Survey results, Valerie recommended that these results be shared with product owners as well. Sarit asked about the team's option to either open JIRA tickets based upon survey results or collaborate with Dev Pri team identify already open tickets which are relevant to survey results and perhaps build on those. Release survey results to community

  • On Sub-Team Comm and Docs: a third component was added to included doc on how to distribute work and project tracking. General agreement that this section, overall, would most likely benefit all sub committees and the advisory committees as a whole. This was a segue into the next topic below.

20 min

Oct. 15 TAC meeting


  • Brainstorm ideas for our 15 minute timeslot during the October 15 TAC meeting.

    • From Maggie: “At our September TAC meeting, we had an agenda item to brainstorm… loose discussion topics for our monthly TAC meetings – inspired by the ongoing conversation we had last year about “how to encourage an active community of developers”…. I wanted to start this fall by having each sub-team take over the discussion slot in a meeting. They could use the time and opportunity to get feedback on specific documents/plans, discuss new ideas, brainstorm with all of TAC, share out work in more detail, talk through long-term considerations or questions – anything, really.

      I was wondering if Integrations would be willing to take the October slot… anything that sounds good to you and, hopefully, useful to the Integrations sub-team would be fine with me.”

  • As part of the discussion on the team’s work plan with regard to Sub-team Comm and Docs, it was agreed that this is something that would overall benefit all teams and would be brought up at the general meeting as a recommendation. This would include improving the wiki site overall for better usability and discovery (should a common format be applied across all teams?), improved methods of on-boarding both new members and new leaders of teams and overall establishing protocols for handing over the reigns.

5 min

Open Mic



Action items

Schedule next meeting @Dallas Pillen
