45 min
| Updates from sub-groups (~15 minutes each)
| External Facing Documentation group Sub-team Communication, Documentation, and Project Management group Integrations Survey Review group | External Facing Documentation: Scheduled to meet January 8th. Before that, they will review as much of the current docuemntation as they can. Meeting will be first steps on how to improve that. Who might be assigned to what particular integration, etc.
Internal documentation: Valerie and Dallas met. They will be producing a calendar of expectations for work that repeats (e.g., refreshing the external pages), an administration binder, or a guide that is passed from leader to leader by term. The binder will consist of startup steps (beginning of term), wind-down steps (end of term), previous leader contact info, and will also be asking other sub-groups to document their work (meeting notes, summaries of what was done/what wasn’t/and why, etc.) and will be giving thought to where that information should be kept. For now, Dallas will be creating child pages on the Integrations sub-team wiki space for each of the working groups where we can start gathering documentation.
Survey review: Sarit, Randy, and Dallas met to discuss the survey. They are currently working on a spreadsheet to compile information about the systems that respondents most want integrated with ArchivesSpace. Dallas will be reviewing the survey responses for each system to summarize the desired use cases, Randy will be reviewing Jira tickets to determine if there are existing tickets related to any of the systems that could be incorporated into the survey report or for which survey responses could provide additional information for the tickets, and Sarit will be reviewing the ArchivesSpace user group email list to find any additional information that users have shared about desired integrations outside of the context of the survey. Once the review is complete, the sub-group will be producing a report summarizing their findings (exact format tbd) and will be looking to incorporate information learned in the survey into the external facing integrations documentation.