2020-02-19 Meeting notes


Feb 19, 2020

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  • @Dallas Pillen

  • @James Griffin (Unlicensed)

Discussion topics









5 min

Roll call

@Dallas Pillen

  • Assign note taker - Valerie

Here: Dallas, Joshua, Randy, Valerie

45 min

Updates from sub-groups,

External Facing Documentation


Sub-Team Communication, Documentation, and Project Management


Integrations Survey Review

Updates on progress and discussion about any obstacles, questions for the larger group, shared concerns, etc.

External Facing Documentation -

  • Split up contacting current integrations already on the external page

  • Some have responded, others seem to be abandoned/no one minding the shop

  • Started a draft page for the new integrations page, taking in recent webinars, will be following up with more

  • Put out an email to the listserv, got a few responses that will be added

  • External Docs are going to coordinate with the Survey Review on a form letter to send out to devs/product owners/community members for which desired integrations were requested from the community in the survey

  • Potentially going to move some non-integrations to other sections (plugins, Awesome list)

Sub-Team Communication, Documentation, and Project Management-

  • Drafted a “binder,” a document and list of steps that is meant to be passed from chair to chair to record essential information, calendar

  • This document is also meant to list outside resources (those created in Google Docs, other cloud share platforms)

  • Next step is to migrate this to a new wiki-space and see how this goes

  • Other sub-team leaders: remember to account for any documents that are outside the wiki; Dallas will be asking for those at the end of the term

Integrations Survey Review -

  • Have identified a listing of all the requested integrations, now categorizing them (preservation, cataloguing, etc) and seeing where AS fits into the bigger picture

  • Listing providers/companies of those systems

  • Considering providing those as a public list

  • If, when, and how to follow up with some of the respondents who indicated they were open to more communication

  • Possibly setup a routine/annual survey to keep up to date with service providers/devs (this is already from July 2019), since this is always changing

  • Going to hold off reaching out to individuals

  • Probably (definitely?) going to collaborate with the External Docs group on writing emails out to service providers/devs

5 min

Wrap up and open mic


Wrap up individual sub-groups by March, meet again as a group in April with sub-group work complete, then collaborate together from that point out. Group goals remaining:

  • Public version of the survey report

  • Emails out to service providers/devs

  • “Permanent” home/form for binder

Action items
