2021-04-23 Meeting notes

Apr 23, 2021 at 1 pm ET/ noon CT/ 11 am MT/ 10 am PT

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Meeting ID: 953 1990 6215

Passcode: 456810

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Meeting ID: 953 1990 6215

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@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

@kate (Unlicensed)

@Regina Carra

@Jessica Crouch- regrets

@Bailey Hoffner

@Ashley Knox


  • Update on Member Match applications

  • Discuss takeaways from Online Forum presentation

  • Determine Member Match working meetings for May and June






Member Match program update

Number of Applicants thus far: 25

some are nonmembers

Emails next week, yes or no? one reminder email on Thursday - one day left to apply

Brittany will email Christine on Monday to ask to send it out with a one day left subject

Member Match Email Template

Regina drafted the email notification for Matches – thoughts?

Member Match Email Template -- Match Notifications

Should the email be to both participants?

email will be sent to the matches together rather than separate emails

Regina will rework the draft for the emails

Member Match working meetings

May? either May 7 or May 14 - May 14 at 4 pm ET/ 3 pm ET

June? schedule after the May meeting

May Member Engagement sub-team meeting will stay on the calendar as a just in case

Online Forum Takeaways

Online Forum Discussion_2021

New projects will wait until next term

Sub-team will add priorities to the retrospective for next term to include projects from the online forum