2021-04-23 Meeting notes
Apr 23, 2021 at 1 pm ET/ noon CT/ 11 am MT/ 10 am PT
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@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)
@kate (Unlicensed)
@Regina Carra
@Jessica Crouch- regrets
@Bailey Hoffner
@Ashley Knox
Update on Member Match applications
Discuss takeaways from Online Forum presentation
Determine Member Match working meetings for May and June
Topic | Updates |
Member Match program update | Number of Applicants thus far: 25 some are nonmembers Emails next week, yes or no? one reminder email on Thursday - one day left to apply Brittany will email Christine on Monday to ask to send it out with a one day left subject |
Member Match Email Template | Regina drafted the email notification for Matches – thoughts? Member Match Email Template -- Match Notifications Should the email be to both participants? email will be sent to the matches together rather than separate emails Regina will rework the draft for the emails |
Member Match working meetings | May? either May 7 or May 14 - May 14 at 4 pm ET/ 3 pm ET June? schedule after the May meeting May Member Engagement sub-team meeting will stay on the calendar as a just in case |
Online Forum Takeaways | New projects will wait until next term Sub-team will add priorities to the retrospective for next term to include projects from the online forum