2020-08-26 Meeting notes

2020-08-26 Meeting notes

Aug 26, 2020 4 pm EST/ 3 CT/ 2 MT/ 1 PT

Call-in Info:

Topic: UAC Member Engagement Sub-team Meeting
Time: Aug 26, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

@Regina Carra

@Bailey Hoffner - absent

@Ashley Knox

@Jessica Crouch

@kate (Unlicensed) Blalack



  • Overview of the mission and purpose of the sub-team

  • Discuss projects and activities for the year

  • Discuss work plan









@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)


Overview of sub-team


Link to sub-team description: Member Engagement

Identify ways to welcome and include all types of institutions

Suggested Projects


Suggested initiatives from Jessica:

procedures for answering various questions on the listserv

implementation buddies:

  • how to manage?

  • how to match?

  • rethink it and do it again with sub-team input

Anti-racism and inclusion discussions:

  • toolbox for grassroots, tribal, BIPOC archives with options on how to use ArchivesSpace - membership benefits, avenue to hosting , implementation help - create a group that would help with implementation

Code of Conduct:

  • currently using Code4Lib code of conduct

  • could help with the drafting of the code

other suggestions:

  • game like interactive application on implementing ArchivesSpace

  • creating a resource for prospective members/those starting out with implementation

  • potentially creating a dashboard with all the information you need

  • checklist dashboard with content and videos

  • infrastructure where you check in with someone and talking

  • Implementation buddies: levels of buddies - basic, advanced; buddies are willing to discuss a specific aspect of ArchivesSpace; technical buddy - tell them about the support you can get from ArchivesSpace

    • need to consider the concept

    • use pilot program for BIPOC etc as a test

    • have a check list that includes resources, type of institutions, and staff size, areas of special interest, hosted/ not hosted

  • Review Code of Conduct written by Jessica

    • where should it live?

    • for events

    • sections that relate to communication

    • behavior at events

    • actionable code of conduct - consequences

  • Liaising with other groups: can be included in the discussion about anti-racism and inclusion

  • Listservs:

    • consider reevaluating small archives listserv

    • consider procedures for listservs

    • office hours for small archives for questions - sub-team members be there to help and fill the space

    • can people post anonymously or use another system?

  • New member match: potentially have members reach out to new members

    • could be the first level of implementation buddies

Projects for the year


Code of Conduct

Considering listserves

Implementation Buddies/New Member Match

Ongoing projects


Implementation Buddies program

New member match

Work Plan


link to draft: Member Engagement Work Plan 2020-2021

Future Meetings


monthly, recurring meetings: 4 pm EST every fourth Wednesday of the month - include calendar gmail on calendar invite

Next Meeting


Review code of conduct; discussion of other projects