Jan 22, 2021 at 1 pm ET/ noon CT/ 11 am MT/ 10 am PT
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@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)
@kate (Unlicensed)
@Regina Carra
@Jessica Crouch - regrets
@Bailey Hoffner
@Ashley Knox
| |
Member Match Program: | Working on drafting documents for the program All drafts should be done by the February meeting, during that meeting we will discuss them as a group Jessica will review them for us after the Feb. meeting We will make final edits between February meeting and webinar Deadline for final versions of documents and webinar? March 9 We will plan to present rduring the ArchivesSpace Online Forum (March 29-31) our presentation will most likely be scheduled for March 30 need to determine if we would like to do a webinar before or after Online Forum Schedule webinar for Wednesday, March 10
Final deadline for applications? Need to ask Jessica about using a channel in ArchivesSpace Slack to communicate between meetings Brittany will create a Google Doc for creating announcements for Monthly Update and Listserv emails
Application | Airtable |
Purpose document | |
Participants Expectations | |
Review Process | Ashley, Bailey, and Brittany are working on drafting this document will be used to plan how to review applications and create matches, includes criteria for matches Google Doc has not yet been created, will be created and shared with group once draft is done UPDATE 01/25/21 - Google Doc: Member Match Program_Review Process use old meeting notes
Basic Timeline | |
“Coffee Chats” | UAC sub-teams interested in doing “coffee chats” for the member match cohorts way to solicit feedback from participants of the program small casual program with cohorts an activity for matches maybe consider doing activities through the year with matches Sub-team thinks its a good idea Communication is always better when you can see someone Next Steps:
Other Business? | |
Next Meeting | Feb 19, 2021 at 1 PM EST Is everyone fine with this meeting date? Meeting was originally scheduled for February 26 |
Action Items: