2021-05-28 Meeting notes

2021-05-28 Meeting notes

May 28, 2021 at 1 pm ET/ noon CT/ 11 am MT/ 10 am PT

Call-in information:

Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 953 1990 6215

Passcode: 456810

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        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

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Meeting ID: 953 1990 6215

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@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

@kate (Unlicensed)

@Regina Carra- absent

@Jessica Crouch

@Bailey Hoffner - regrets

@Ashley Knox- regrets


  • Update on Member Match applications

  • Discuss retrospective and priorities for next year





Member Match program update

Working on creating matches

Next working meeting is June 17th at 1 pm ET/ Noon CT

Member Match Email Template

Regina drafted the email notification for Matches – thoughts?


Email will be sent to the matches together rather than separate emails

Date for sending emails? June 30

ArchivesSpace Diversity Partnership

4 of the institutions are interested in participating in the Member Match program

1 or 2 individuals from each institution

Airtable Base was copied by Jessica and application was shared with the institutions

Will review those separately from the current cohort of matches

potentially reach out to individuals to be matches

may need to make matches based on identity

Priorities for Next Year

Continuing Member Match

Other Possible Projects?

some possibilities: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zaHotBfEXt7Uh3yPTyk8IPEMkeaIHZgFuyPDj2MkC3M/edit?usp=sharing

Brittany will send out a follow up on priorities for next year and the retrospective

Potentially create an infographic for non-members on why join ArchivesSpace in conjunction with a “Making Your Case for ArchivesSpace” training by the trainers corp

Maybe focus on member match for the next year with smaller projects happening at the same time
