Welcome and hello!
Thank you and good luck, Eden!
Welcome back, Rebecca
ASpace Virtual Member Forum
Spawning pages update
Publish/don’t publish list check-in Spreadsheet link
Eden has accepted a new position at a non-ArchivesSpace Insitution, so she is leaving UAC. Thank you for all your hard work and good luck!
Rebecca is back from leave, but unable to attend today’s meeting. Margaret and Rebecca to meet to get her caught up on what’s been happening
Spawning pages - Margaret merged the two version written by herself and Eden. (ask Jessica to delete the version created by Eden)
New documentation (Jessica)
Make representative instructions (could form foundation for user manual pages): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yO8dM0o54GhIrY0ZdzNOXjSR25dt7r0WSwGUNC1rPxU/edit?usp=sharing
Reviewing comments from Testing right now and hopefully will be in the next release. Not quite ready for screenshots yet
Next step is release candidate, when that happens we will have to get the documentation out
Margaret will begin a Google doc where we can collaborate on writing the documentation
Will need a page to the expand/collapse as there are a few extra steps. - Johanna to begin drafting documentation.
Request for user manual edits
Choosing a Default Report (v. 2.2.2)
Comment: This section does not include the “Resources Restriction List” that shows up on previous versions of this. For the revised entry, could you include information on how the total extent is calculated?
Need to figure out where information is pulling from for the reports. Check with Tech Docs and maybe bring up at UAC for future planning.
Margaret to check where the information for extent pulls from.