2018-08-02 Meeting notes

2018-08-02 Meeting notes



Discussion items


Program: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/634650626/ArchivesSpace+Member+Forum+2018

Printed program! (attached)

Open discussion on the future of ASpace – submitted responses

  • The ability to hold digital records
  • I genuinely worry about the disconnect between AS being a "community supported application" and the expectations of what I'll call the general archival public. I do not think that the average AS user truly understands the difference in application support (ex. errors and feature requests) between say, MS Word, where you expect Microsoft to make the change, and AS, where Lyrasis expects/encourages users themselves to make the change. I fear dozens (hundreds?) of users may be waiting in expectation for fixes or features that will never occur, or, do not know that they should advocate for those changes, and stay waiting. My intention with this request is that that waiting silence should be replaced with active conversations once it is made explicitly clear what "community support" means. I see this in my everyday work (colleagues who do not now, and will never know what a pull request is) and with attendees of the API workshop. We cannot properly discuss any future if users are not on the same page as devs and product managers.
  • The future of ArchivesSpace as a full-blown collection management system, beyond its role as a place for descriptive and administrative information: what about inventory control, patron requests, circulation, and other functionality?
  • Provisions for born-digital materials! Of course, there are a host of improvements to be made, such as better export or reports options, but a more strategic, longer term objective would be providing for the management of born digital materials. I also would be interested in greater integration with vocabularies (Getty, VIAF) and linked data.
  • Backwards compatibility and continuing functionality of ArchivesSpace without having to go back and fix/clean up old data on a regular basis (including data created in ASpace)

Link to submit ideas: https://goo.gl/forms/WkSn5aftKOubtNmu1

Evaluations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ykchVSCK4a3reBiA_B7vkxG1P66kbHHpHhVjrYsVFKU/edit

Volunteer sign-up sheet: https://goo.gl/4S3fcU

Any other finishing prepwork to do? Last minute concerns?

  • api workshop
    • Pre-workshop instructions
    • Change the summary
  • livestreaming
    • highlight in program which are livestreamed, and add direct links to each
    • Mariella will keep in touch about whether livestreaming is of decent quality
    • Mariella will look at evaluation for livestreaming quality questions

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