2021-02-08 meeting agenda and notes

2021-02-08 meeting agenda and notes

Feb 8, 2021 3:00pm EDT / 2:00pm CDT / 1:00pm MDT / 12:00pm PDT


@Joanne Archer (Unlicensed)

@ebeckman (Unlicensed)

@Johanna Carll

@Jessica Crouch

@Regina Carra

@Margaret Kidd

@Krista Oldham (Unlicensed) (absent)

Conference Call Info

Meeting URL: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/91030777630?pwd=UHZ6alpmeWRLYW5wME5LUXBNRWRSdz09&from=addon

Join by telephone (use any number to dial in)

Dial: +1 929 436 2866

+1 301 715 8592

+1 312 626 6799

+1 669 900 6833

+1 253 215 8782

+1 346 248 7799

Meeting ID: 910 3077 7630

International numbers

One tap mobile: +19294362866,,91030777630# US (New York)

Join by SIP conference room system

Meeting ID: 910 3077 7630

Password: 782874

SIP: 91030777630@zoomcrc.com

Agenda and notes

Agenda item



Follow up action

Agenda item



Follow up action

Welcome and check-in




Follow up on Agent page edits


Next steps and timing of release of version 3.0, review of process (lessons learned, things to apply going forward, anything that would be helpful to add to the style guide)

-Version 3.0 release goal of 2 weeks. Documentation needed to document new light vs. full mode. Jessica will write documentation.

-Agreed it would be good to keep momentum going by taking a group approach to editing outdated sections. Will try to tackle one section a month, starting with Feb to March with Accessioning. Johanna will make individual page assignments. Should edit without versioning unless encounter a page that is clearly documenting a past version. If that happens, report to the group to determine how to version/what version to reference as relevant versions.

-Should add even minor things to style guide and comment on instructions that need to be fleshed out.

Finalize User Documentation Review Process


User Documentation Review Process

Johanna will edit to reflect current review process, then send to team for review

Check in on comments received on pages





Other business



Consider whether or not we want to participate in AS User Forum. Time slots available on the 30th between 12 and 4. Johanna will send a follow up email to team to continue the discussion, including possible other outreach actions the team wants to pursue