2022-09-23 Meeting agenda and notes

Sep 23, 2022 at 2 pm ET/ 1 pm CT/ 12 pm MT/ 11 am PT

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@Bailey Hoffner

@Patrick Milhoan

@Mary Pedraza

@Sarah Ponichtera -regrets

@Jessica Crouch -regrets


Recap Member Match Event

Quarterly Event Calendaring and Brainstorming

October UAC Discussion Plans

How to Promote “Making the Case” Website





1st Quarterly Member Match Mixer


Sep 8, 2022

Mary took notes and those are now here: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/3196583937

Jessica: we had more conversation than we had time - need to find ways to encourage more of this on the listserv

For October Discussion Topic

“What was something you wanted to be able to talk about, but we didn’t have time?

  • tips/tricks you didn’t have time to share?

  • tips/tricks that were shared that you wanted to ask more?

This is a small listserv - around 30 people, so its a great opportunity to engage with a smaller group of AS users etc.

Bailey will share this with Patrick

Member Match Quarterly Events Brainstorming

Member Engagement Sub-Team Calendar 2022-2023

  • Hoping that other sub-teams will be interested in collaborating - we will be leading the October discussion in UAC

  • For future years: August is too hard for a virtual mixer, but there is the potential to do something in person for SAA

  • Early December event - needs to be announced by early November

    • Goals for the new year

    • Possibly renew conversation from last mixer

    • Possibly celebratory with end of year

  • Possible idea for an event: discussion around how to share reports and info from ArchivesSpace in a way that helps convey the value of our work more broadly (how to leverage ArchivesSpace to convey the value of your work)

Bailey - move November meeting week earlier

October UAC Discussion

  • Sharing Confluence Roadmap

  • Encouraging/inviting other sub-teams to collaborate on future quarterly events and/or even sharing out something to the listserv about your sub-team

  • Inspired by the encouragement to collaborate across sub-teams

  • Example collab ideas

    • previous: user docs shared about their work and user docs

    • possibly usability could talk about New School bulk updater

    • possibly dev-pri: how ticketing works, community-based, etc.

    • possibly testing: just explaining the work and that it exists

    • Even just going over what the sub-teams are and what they do

[move to next month’s agenda] Review/Revise Main Sub-Team Pages Next Meeting

Member Engagement

ArchivesSpace Member Match Program

Any others?

Brainstorm How to Promote Making the Case Website and Handout


  • Idea to solicit testimonials about ArchivesSpace membership from members

review these minutes for ideas that should be on our other projects ideas list