2017-08-14 Meeting notes

2017-08-14 Meeting notes


Monday, August 14th, at 11am-12pm EST. 

Topic: ArchivesSpace Staff Interface Enhancement Working Group Meeting
Time: this is a recurring meeting Meet anytime 

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+1 646 558 8656 or +1 408 638 0968 US Toll
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Meeting ID: 478 788 119 
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Meeting ID: 478 788 119 



  • Establish a clear approach going forward with the project.  
    • Iron out questions on organization of topics
    • Groups vs all edit everything
  • Schedule 2nd meeting
    • Doodle poll to establish both meetings a month or setting two standing dates?
  • In the future, advance at least one JIRA ticket per two weeks for incremental improvements of the Staff Interface with releases.

Discussion items 

  • Should we stay with Google Docs or move to Confluence for drafting documentation?
  • The SIEWG meetings are planned for the 2nd and 4th weeks of each month.  Would it be helpful to have meetings on different days/times in order to enable the most people to tune in as they are able?
  • Divide up larger topics into more Google docs such as Collection Management + events, mobile interface, and search facets.  Any others?
  • Approach to subteams: rotating topics or sign up?
  • Structure of project
    • Kanban board
    • Which JIRA tickets to push through as we go?
    • Which tickets to save for a larger coordinated project
  • Other questions?

Round Robin prompt: what’s going well, what needs more work, any questions or issues you’ve encountered

Group A: Visual Layout

Group B: Organization of menus

Group C: Navigation (how staff navigate through the program in accomplishing tasks)

Group D: Data entry (Rapid Data Entry and individual record entry)

Group E: User accounts and permissions

Group F: Customization (including data field labels)/Functionality/Terminology/Other Topics

Team G: Time-saving devices


  • Meetings: Standing meeting starting August 29th, Tuesdays at 1pm EST. Every two weeks. Lydia Tang (Unlicensed) to send outlook calendar invite.
  • Preference of workspace: Google or Confluence? Lydia Tang (Unlicensed) to draft up a little poll on this.
    • Google docs/spreadsheets more familiar and easier to use for most users
    • Google docs/spreadsheets easier for multiple people to edit at a time.
  • Organization of the topics: Thoughts on division of topics? Too many?
    • Group consensus seems to be: likes the division, overwhelming otherwise
    • Should there be further divisions? Lydia Tang (Unlicensed) to follow up with a poll
    • Question: Could divisions be grouped together? (e.g. visual layout and search) 
  • Sub-groups: Limited to those groups? Would like to contribute to various lists. Have a group that we are focused in, but could also contribute to other groups as well.
  • Many tickets in JIRA. Where users have been contributing bugs or new feature requests.
    • Kanban board: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=19
      • For Consideration column – starting from scratch, need evaluation from users
      • Need more info/specifications: people have looked at them, but waiting for users to specify how it's supposed to be done.
      • Ready for implementation: ideally means it is ready for developers to pick up
    • Part of the agile development workflow. Pulls together tickets that have the Staff Interface Epic: 

      type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

    • Good idea to look at these. If you're working on this particular aread, check out JIRA: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=19
    • Need to identify action for each ticket
    • Best way to approach this with group this large?
    • How do our recommendations become implemented? Christine/Kim will help to translate as best we can, Laney is a developer and will be able to communicate process as well.
    • What would each ticket need to be passed? An agreement on what should be done – some consensus that this is an improvement/change that will benefit a wide set of users (vs. single institution.) To be passed along the "need more info" stage, enough in the ticket to clarify what it should look like, how it functions, clear explanations of the problem and solution that problem. NOT code, but clear description of the desire. Also, make sure it doesn't conflict with something that's already there, not requesting 2 different solutions to 1 problem.

Action items

  • Lydia Tang (Unlicensed) to follow up with list on standing meetings
  • Decide: Maintain these small groups? Or allow for sign-up for people to pick their style of working? Or better to have more structure – Lydia Tang (Unlicensed) to follow up poll
  • Lydia Tang (Unlicensed) to follow up on JIRA tickets. Find tickets that are small enough to kick off before next meeting.

Meeting Recording and Chat Transcript

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