2017-09-12 Meeting notes

2017-09-12 Meeting notes


1pm-2pm EST.

Topic: ArchivesSpace Staff Interface Enhancement Working Group Meeting

Time: this is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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  • Navigation and Time-Saving Devices Teams will present on their Topics today
  • Need at least two volunteer teams for next meeting
  • Any JIRA tickets to pass?
  • Any additional questions/comments?

Discussion items

Welcome and Attendance
  Navigation Team

Alexandra presented work of the group. Navigation team went through the existing JIRAs, categorized them, created some additional, and put information into a Google Docs folder/document.

Focused on background jobs navigation and linked records for this meeting. Created a mini-spec with wireframes.

Advice for creating wireframes: took screenshots and then used Powerpoint to reconfigure/annotate. (Can also use some free tools.)

Some items need input from other groups - for example, on AR-1511 - Getting issue details... STATUS , re: changing Events into a sub-record. Indicated this in the doc. Lot of overlap with other groups, expect that others are finding this as well.

Sara has also started looking at reports, and the Background Jobs area in general. Placement of reports in that area and name itself are some of the issues.

  • More explanation of what a background job is in the application
  • Question of whether individual types of jobs might be listed separately, or at least linked separately
  • Brainstorm some intuitive titles
  • Confusion when job fails
  • When working in an instance with multiple repositories, big background jobs can impact others/create logjams
  • More options of the background jobs page itself?

Discussion of issue ANW-142 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Time-Saving Devices Team

Miloche presented. Group created a Google Docs folder and document. Identifed three issues to start with.

  • Question about sidebar when browsing accession records AR-1655 - Getting issue details... STATUS - want to check about whether anyone using the ordering currently provided, or should there be a unilateral change. Most people prefer a browse by date, but are interested in providing a toggle and ability to manipulate facets.
  • Default repository for login: AR-1621 - Getting issue details... STATUS - JHU has a local workaround - they have default repositories by individual login. Lydia asked that Users Accounts and Permissions group look at this issue as well.

Word doc by screen - will be adding more to this.

JIRA tickets to discuss/pass
AR-1720 - Getting issue details... STATUS

AR-1716 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ANW-97 - Getting issue details... STATUS - Ticket plus comments seems pretty straightforward. Maryland may have developed a plugin for this relatively recently. Will add to the comments in the ticket re: adding a search bar.

AR-1655 - Getting issue details... STATUS - see above

AR-1529 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Question about whether can have more all in one place - discussed what's in Confluence (meeting minutes) vs. what's in Google Docs (working documents). Certainly all final reports will be posted to Confluence. Perhaps emailing meeting minutes to the group after meetings would be helpful, rather than maintaining multiple versions.

Thinking further down the line, how is all of this going to come together into one document? Question of process, begin to think about adding as groups go or waiting until end.

Looking for additional volunteers for the Visual Layout group.

Action items

  • Teams will continue to draft specifications.  Please be in contact with your team members.  
  • Please look over and comment on the documentation of the Navigation and Time-Saving groups
  • User Accounts/Permission and Data Entry/Edit will present at the next meeting on September 26th.  Visual Layout, Customization, and Organization of Menus will present on October 10th.

Recording and chat transcript

Sorry that the recording is missing the roll call and early talk.  Recording starts with Navigation presentation.

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