2017-11-07 Meeting notes

2017-11-07 Meeting notes


1pm EST 

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://msu.zoom.us/j/478788119

Or join by phone: 

+1 646 558 8656 or +1 646 876 9923 US Toll

+1 877 369 0926 (US only, Toll Free)

Meeting ID: 478 788 119

International numbers available: https://msu.zoom.us/zoomconference?m=5ijYCsNkOSXaxe1liQZkWVqktcflC5qH

Or join from a H.323/SIP room system: 

Dial: (US West) or (US East)

Meeting ID: 478 788 119 



  • Review draft email to ArchivesSpace membership, address any questions re: final specs, review questions on Google form.

Discussion items

 Outlook/Google calendar invites 
  •  Ignore Lydia's calendar invites. Will not cancel, just to prevent any further confusions.

Review draft email to ArchivesSpace membership

Any questions re: final specs?

  • OK to keep editing once they are shared
  • Teams should field/integrate suggestions on their pages
    • Seeking volunteers to watch Background Jobs and Brainstorming pages

  • SIEWG recommendations: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B12JUawTWpm-U0Y1UlV4NFZRU1k
  • Do we want to resolve comments? Idea is if there are some outstanding questions, may be good to keep them up to encourage debate/discussion. But from polished standpoint, would be good to resolve. Thoughts? Consensus: Keep open questions; anything we've figured out can be resolved.
  • Sending this message out around 2:30pm EST. Gives about an hour to resolve these comments.
  • Encourage you to watch these pages to see comments. If you don't see the comments, let Lydia know.
  • Feel free to refine and edit your documents.

Share questionnaire later?  (Still needs some mockups re: staff interface visual layout

Recording and chat transcript

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