UI elements identified in personas

UI elements identified in personas

  • ShareThis and/or “Save” functionality

  • Save / collate and/or share a set of things (multiple personas)

    • is this a task to create a "pick list" of containers (folders/boxes/etc.) that he wants to see while on-site? And somehow transmitting that to the archivist as a request to queue them up for a particular date and time?

    • download list, with all metadata, into a spreadsheet? (see Leonard Doe’s persona)

  • Citation method displayed on the record

  • Access restrictions displayed on the record

    • IP rights also clearly marked (see Nancy’s persona)

  • Information on the record for whether or not original and/or digital version is available

    • Clear where/how the items can be accessed

    • Clear who to contact about a given record (see Morgan’s persona)

    • For items that haven’t been digitized, button/form to easily make digitization request (see Malik’s persona)

  • Fields on the records for how the record has been used, who has used it? (see Julian’s persona)

  • Clearly marked accession and box numbers on the record (see Jamie’s persona)

  • Copyright information clearly marked on records

  • Cataloger data (see Kate’s persona)

  • How to find more information instructions (see Kate’s persona)

  • Make sure records are easy to skim for the information the user wants (see Nigel’s persona)

  • Easily search multiple repositories at once (see Malik’s persona)

  • Allow user to choose between seeing a limited number of records at a time, or infinite scrolling (see Anne’s persona)

  • Natural language (e.g. “archival object” too much jargon)

  • Several references to accessing “her” or “his” collections -- please detail this more.

  • Make it easy through ASpace to set up an appt. with an archivist? Use USC’s work to integrate Aeon (http://www.atlas-sys.com/aeon/ and https://github.com/smoil/aeon_requests)?


  • Advanced search allowing to focus on searching multiple specific collections at a time, without having to search all collections (see Betty’s persona)

    • Also, would like to be able to limit results to show collections, rather than objects

    • Also, would like to be able to search multiple specific repositories at a time (see Malik’s persona)

  • On search results, quick access to view digitized images (or preview) where they exist -- overlay or new window depending on what makes the most sense (conflicting ideas in the personas so will want to test) (see Sally’s persona)

  • Facets enabling user to restrict searching to specific types of objects (e.g. photos), only to already digitized data, only to physical objects, etc.

    • include “unprocessed” and processing status (see Anthony’s persona)

  • Searching by date or date ranges easy to do in Advanced search

    • in addition to facets, keyword and subject searches should also be easily accessible (see Andrea’s persona)

  • Advanced search directly by call number, and have the search take the user directly to the item (rather than to a search results page) (see Justin Doe’s persona)