UI elements identified in personas
ShareThis and/or “Save” functionality
Save / collate and/or share a set of things (multiple personas)
is this a task to create a "pick list" of containers (folders/boxes/etc.) that he wants to see while on-site? And somehow transmitting that to the archivist as a request to queue them up for a particular date and time?
download list, with all metadata, into a spreadsheet? (see Leonard Doe’s persona)
Citation method displayed on the record
Access restrictions displayed on the record
IP rights also clearly marked (see Nancy’s persona)
Information on the record for whether or not original and/or digital version is available
Clear where/how the items can be accessed
Clear who to contact about a given record (see Morgan’s persona)
For items that haven’t been digitized, button/form to easily make digitization request (see Malik’s persona)
Fields on the records for how the record has been used, who has used it? (see Julian’s persona)
Clearly marked accession and box numbers on the record (see Jamie’s persona)
Copyright information clearly marked on records
Cataloger data (see Kate’s persona)
How to find more information instructions (see Kate’s persona)
Make sure records are easy to skim for the information the user wants (see Nigel’s persona)
Easily search multiple repositories at once (see Malik’s persona)
Allow user to choose between seeing a limited number of records at a time, or infinite scrolling (see Anne’s persona)
Natural language (e.g. “archival object” too much jargon)
Several references to accessing “her” or “his” collections -- please detail this more.
Make it easy through ASpace to set up an appt. with an archivist? Use USC’s work to integrate Aeon (http://www.atlas-sys.com/aeon/ and https://github.com/smoil/aeon_requests)?
Advanced search allowing to focus on searching multiple specific collections at a time, without having to search all collections (see Betty’s persona)
Also, would like to be able to limit results to show collections, rather than objects
Also, would like to be able to search multiple specific repositories at a time (see Malik’s persona)
On search results, quick access to view digitized images (or preview) where they exist -- overlay or new window depending on what makes the most sense (conflicting ideas in the personas so will want to test) (see Sally’s persona)
Facets enabling user to restrict searching to specific types of objects (e.g. photos), only to already digitized data, only to physical objects, etc.
include “unprocessed” and processing status (see Anthony’s persona)
Searching by date or date ranges easy to do in Advanced search
in addition to facets, keyword and subject searches should also be easily accessible (see Andrea’s persona)
- Advanced search directly by call number, and have the search take the user directly to the item (rather than to a search results page) (see Justin Doe’s persona)