February 10, 2025 action items and meeting notes


Feb 10, 2025


  • @Jessica Crouch

  • @Thimios Dimopulos

  • @Susannah Broyles

  • @Kevin Clair

  • @Cory Nimer

  • @Donald Smith

  • Allison Clemens

  • Sandrine Guérin


Project dashboard: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/MCTF/boards/56

Survey results: Virtual Member Forum multilingual presentation

Use case document: ArchivesSpace multilingual description use cases

Behavior scenario use case document: ArchivesSpace multilingual description use cases (behavior scenarios)

Specification template: ArchivesSpace multilingual description spec draft

Jira ticket template: Behavior Scenarios

ArchivesSpace Sandbox to test and compare current ArchivesSpace functionality(username: admin password: admin): https://sandbox.archivesspace.org

 Tasks to be completed before meeting

All team members will review tickets 9, 10, and 11 (linked above). Leave any relevant comments, suggestions, or edits on the ticket(s) by February 10th. All tickets without substantive change will be moved to in progress at that time. If any remaining tickets require discussion, we will hold it at our February 10th meeting.
All team members will review https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/MCTF-12 https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/MCTF-12 and leave their comments and behavior scenarios related to desired functionality around multi-lingual search in the application. Specific questions to consider: How do you want titles to display the search results of an ArchivesSpace record? How does the language of the user’s search impact the display of the titles in the search result? How does the language of display of the application, the language of description, and the language of the users search impact desired results? How could faceting and other search functionality be used to improve search ability? Please provide these behavior scenarios by our February 10th meeting.
@Donald Smith will provide a test instance of ArchivesSpace for this team’s review related work outlined in tickets 1 and 2.

 Discussion topics









5 min




15 min

Development update



35 min



5 min

Next steps




Next meeting: March 10 at 12pm ET



 Action items
