- Check in where everyone is at:
- Development
- Accessibility meeting on 8/31
- Next steps for Usability tests
- JIRA stories
- next steps
- Bobbi will begin to work on adding the javascript libraries over the next couple of weeks
- Harvard will do a round of competitive usability testing against the Princeton, Smithsonian, and NYPL sites with an undergraduate audience. Initial tests scheduled for 9/15 - 16.
- (see action items below)
- Next meeting is September 20th, same time.
Action Items:
- HM will update the ASpace home link in the config file for the test corpus site; and also publish the digital objects and agent records
- Mark will add a ticket to JIRA about how to handle tables encoded in EAD for display in the new PUI; Mark will work with Bobbi to send an updated copy of the Kitchen Sink file that includes an EAD table.
- HM will also look at JIRA-1300, the ticket about inheritance
- Bobbi will work on updating the fonts and adding the accordions and search widget to the test corpus in advance of the first round of accessibility testing