The First Monday Conference Call
- Check in about the current infrastructure (https://github.com/archivesspace/public-new) / development roadmap
- Check in about planning the next sprint
- My own question about the http://pui.archivesspace.org/ site, since I need to know if we’ll use this site to demo the new-new PUI during the first week of August because Susan and I are providing an update about the development process of the PUI on 8/3 during SAA’s annual meeting.
- Anything else?
- we've got a new pui skeleton app! (still some issues with using rails pry, it sounds like, but hopefully those can be ironed out)
- during the interim, bobbi has worked on the repository pages, YML stuff, and adding in new variables so that the new PUI will be able to have customizable CSS options.
- despite what i wrote in last week's email, we're not going to add anything to the staff interface for the repository summary and opening hours data points. i'll retire both of those stories and make a note about this on the wiki.
- we also decided to let any subject scope notes in subject records show up in the public interface (so a "publish" option won't need to be added to that field in the staff interface). now we just need to check and see if those values are added to the Solr index.
- we're going back to Bootstrap for the PUI so that we won't have two different CSS frameworks for developers to contend with (and we will aim on making sure that the webpages are accessible and responsive, with the understanding that we're going to try to get WCAG 2.0 and Section 508 certification on the new PUI).
- Mark Cooper gave James and Mark Triggs rights to the archivesspace/public-new Github repo
- We're going to keep the http://pui.archivesspace.org/ website running off of the https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/tree/master/public-new PUI application that Brian developed for the time being.
- HM can set up a new-new PUI application online for the new Rails 5 / Bootstrap 3 version of the PUI (I think I got that right, but i wasn't entirely sure at this point).
- Bobbi should add stories directly to JIRA for things that she needs added to the Solr index for the new PUI
- Bobbi will send HM some emails this week about other questions
- Brad, Susan, and I will draft an ASpace PUI annoucement that we'll share with this group by Thursday (hopefully Wednesday), with the aim of sending that out to the community early next week in advance of SAA's annual meeting.
- Our next call will be August 9th, 6 p.m. EDT / 3 p.m. PDT / August 10th, 8 a.m. AEST
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