- Check in
- JIRA stories
- next steps / PDF question again / does meeting on Oct. 4/5 work for everyone?
- Development updates:
- added readmore.js stuff from the previous PUI code
incorporated the paypal plugin for bootstrap accessibility
- notes are being accordioned.
- bug fixes with headers
- now displaying the emails for repositories….
- question about digital media… digital object id vs the file uri. we may need to provide a spec for how to handle the variations of digital objects and their components.
- question about unitids (since they are also being targeted in AR-1300, we’ll discuss that on another call).
- started to tackle the date filter issue. might still have some work to do this on how to express this on the query building. e.g. years:[1900,1960]
- also made a change to clean up the sort string title.
Action items:
- Mark will follow up with Bobbi about which notes should display above the accordian section (as per the Cherry Hill designs)
- Bobbi will continue with implementing the rest of the Cherry Hill designs into the application (focusing now on the search widget and facets).
- for highlighting search results, Bobbi will try parsing the json in the solr doc with regex match, and if it’s terrible, HM will try to do this on the Solr side.
- HM will follow up about the solr index for how to handle linking digital objects and archival objects.
- HM will add the component ID to the Solr index (if not already there).
- HM will add external documents to the Solr index (if not already there).
- HM will wait to hear about the results of the usability tests before we move forward with the trees in the contents and arrangements section.
- HM will give Bobbi a copy of the solr index from the test PUI site.
- HM will fix the “ArchivesSpace Public Interface” link. (should be done now… thanks, James)
Next meeting will be October 4th., 5 p.m….
Since Bobbi can’t make that meeting, Mark and Bobbi will meet on the 13th.
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