

Time: 4 p.m. EST. / 7 a.m. AEST


  • Review the current status of tickets at: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=13&view=planning
    • Regarding Susan's comments for the single-scroll view:  
      • feedback overall is good, but some indication of the hierarchy would help.  recognize that indentation might not work on this page, but there might be other visual cues that could help, such as including the level of description in the display somehow, specifically for larger aggregates like series/subseries/record group, etc.
      • remove the "archival object" badge from this view when it only displays that text (and not any container information).  could perhaps use that same real estate to display level information, e.g. "Series 1", etc.
      • all agreed we should change the "Language of Descripti... ENG" display in the finding aid section.  Instead, the translation value should display here.
      • If there's only one date, don't add a bullet to the display.
      • mark cu. will make a video showing the issue of not being able to get to the bottom of some of the single-scroll page views.
  • Next meeting?
    • April 3, 5 p.m. EST