

The Post-Atlanta Call


  • Quick SAA debrief
  • Check where everyone is at (including next steps for testing)
  • Technical questions from Bobbi:
    • is it ok to do >1  call to solr per page?  If not, I’m compiling a list of things that would need to be added to the solr index
    • When we get down to a specific objects, is it ok to hit the Aspace API, or do we stay with the solr info only (in which case, see above)
    • Are there preferences for creating Models for *everything*, as opposed to just using hashes for processing results from solr queries?
  • Clarifications:
    • how/how often is the new test corpus site updated?
    • license question: before I make pull a request, is everyone agreed that we can add the ECL-2.0 license to the readme file for the new repository?
  • How soon will we be back to normal sprint-planning? (need to let testers know) / next call?
  • anything else?


  • Mark will send an email to Joshua Shaw, introducing him to Bobbi.  Joshua demoed two changes on the staff side of ArchivesSpace that will also be in the new PUI (namely, updated search results and a bookbag feature), so we should see about re-using code if possible (especially since folks want updated search results in the staff interface anyway, so using the code in the new PUI makes a lot of sense)
  • James / HM will upgrade our new test corpus to version 1.5.1 of ArchivesSpace.
  • 1 to 3 queries to Solr per page should be fine; if we discover later that things are taking too long, we will optimize (the good news, Bobbi is working with Harvard's very large dataset during development!)
  • in Solr, everything you get in a JSON response from the API should also be available; Bobbi will document if that's ever not the case, and HM will just update the Solr index
  • the common.jar code contains everything needed (and what's used by the current PUI) to parse the JSON blobs
  • Bobbi will add the ecl 2.0 license into the readme for the new PUI repository in Github
  • Next call will be August 23rd 6 p.m. EDT.

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