2015-09-17 Working Group Meeting

2015-09-17 Working Group Meeting




  • Find out status of Test Corpus
  • Review Wireframes
  • Review design ideas
  • Discuss next steps

Meeting details

Eastern time: 12:30 pm
Central time: 11:30 am
Mountain time: 10:30 am
Pacific time: 9:30 am

To join the meeting:
Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.
Dial +1 (646) 749-3122
Access Code: 504-319-125
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 504-319-125

This meeting will be recorded.

Discussion items

2 minRecap


  • Roll call
3 minTest CorpusAngela
  • Check in on status of Test Corpus
10 minGlossary


  • Review Glossary and discuss questions/concerns
20 minWireframes


  • Review Wireframes document and questions
  • Discuss ideas presented and any concerns Working Group has about them
20 minUI and Design ElementsRain
3 minJIRA reminderRain
2 minWrap up & questions


  • Open time for questions
  • Confirm date and time of next meeting

Meeting minutes


Next steps:

  1. Continued review of / questions on JIRA issues by CHC and WG
  2. CHC finish up round one of wireframes, WG to review, comment, and answer questions
  3. CHC finish up first round of aesthetic design elements, WG to review, comment, and answer questions
  4. CHC finish up first round of recommendations about what can be easily customized theme based on Bootstrap
  5. Next meeting  

Detailed notes: 

The test corpus is now available here: pui.archivesspace.org 
 It is htpasswd protected, so the public cannot view it. Brian posted the username and password on slack.
Sue and Tommy worked on the glossary, and will continue refining that over the next couple of days. They are hoping the WG will be actively involved with opinions on this document. Some highlights:
Repository: this terminology can be changeable through sys admin file, but it wouldn’t be too challenging to make this label customizable in configuration. We will be adding this to the list of recommendations for things that can be easily customizable.
In general, we need to think about whether or not the ArchivesSpace feel is more formal or casual. Natural or professional language. We will take an approach based on what we have heard and see in the comments from the WG, and get feedback from the WG in the next meeting based on what we put into the wireframes.
As Scott brought up, also need to be careful to not lose sight of the terms that archivists expect. Both the public friendly and archivist friendly labels may be needed.
Notes & Description needs to be discussed further. 
Instances may not need to be a label. Scott: when it was originally created, was more of a structure concept, a misc. category.
Components really the best term, but not clear to the user. Inventory may work. This may be one with the <abbr> tag.
Scott concerned about relevance in search results: is it conceivable that one could set as default that content would be set in categories. Scott & Brian take the relevancy conversation offline, but we need to make sure that we don't lose sight of it.
Results for Name or Subject: not sure how a name or subject would fit into the breadcrumb trail. Sue will add notes on this. (We have some ideas, as well). 
Archival object does not have an ID.
If something doesn’t use a field, doesn’t show up at all.
Cory: identifiers that are inherited. What about missing data inherits from higher level.
Cory: what about including dates in the results?
WG: yes, including dates on the title & dates in search results.
Need to check with Brian after do the wireframes to make sure that what we propose is doable.
Mark: Digital items, could this be combined with search results page, rather than separate them out. Toggle between displays? Additional filters, digital items (Sue).
Item listing: overall Sue very happy with what she is seeing.
Scott: wondering about putting browse inventory at the end. Switch order.
We still need to create wireframes for each record type, as well as for collection, subject, name, repository landing pages.
Wrap up & Questions
Angela: members forum, members want to hear from members. Asking if some of the WG would be able to write up notes on what they are doing. Please hit Angela up on slack if you are able to help out.

Action items