2015-08-06 Working Group Meeting

2015-08-06 Working Group Meeting




  • Review user personas
  • Review JIRA issues
  • Plan user testing
  • Discuss next steps

Meeting details

Eastern time: 12:30 pm
Central time: 11:30 am
Mountain time: 10:30 am
Pacific time: 9:30 am

To join the meeting:
Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.
Dial +1 (646) 749-3122
Access Code: 504-319-125
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 504-319-125

This meeting will be recorded.

Discussion items

5 minRecap


  • Recap of what we discussed last meeting and what happened during the week
    • check in on desired user experiences input
10 minUser personasGroup - led by Rain
20 minUser testingRain
10 minJIRA issuesGroup - led by Rain
  • Overview of JIRA issues and what needs to happen with them next
  • Review of our style guide plan
  • Next steps
5 minTest corpusMark
  • Find out where everyone is at with this
10 minWrap up & questions


  • Open time for questions
  • Confirm date and time of next meeting

Meeting minutes


Next steps:

  1. Working Group to finish providing input on this document: Examples of good, bad, and desired user experiences
    1. Mark Custer will make sure this happens
  2. Working Group to refine user personas, which have been categorized
  3. Working Group to refine test scenarios and plan for testing the week of 8/24-8/28
  4. Cherry Hill to organize JIRA issues and the issues that are apparent from personas and technical requirements document
  5. Working Group will continue to get materials together for the Test Corpus
  6. Next meeting on  

Additional notes: 

The user personas have been broken up into general categories, and members of the Working Group have volunteered to refine each category. See the action items below for the list of who is responsible for which persona category.

For user testing, Dara Flinn (Unlicensed) from Rice, Susan Pyzynski (Unlicensed) from Harvard, and Mark Custer from Yale are working on setting up tests at their institutions. These tests will happen the week of  - . Dara, Susan and Mark will let us know when they are holding testing. As long as two institutions do no overlap, we will be able to accommodate each time slot with someone from CHC as an observer. We will use our GoToMeeting to run and record the tests. An ideal would be 2-3 testers per institution, 1/2 an hour per test. Test scripts are here: Usability Tests: Results and Scenarios

Test Corpus: Mark has six finding aids at this time, including 2 from Yale and 2 from Ohio State. schwrtzse (Unlicensed) and Maura Carbone (Unlicensed) are each working on providing EAD files, as well. kferrante (Unlicensed) is checking to see if there are any corporate examples that can be shared (without proprietary information).

On the next call, we will review JIRA issues and begin the aesthetic conversation.

Action items

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