2022-04-15 Meeting agenda and notes

2022-04-15 Meeting agenda and notes

Apr 15, 2022 at 11am ET/ 10am CT/ 9am MT/ 8am PT

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@Regina Carra

@Bailey Hoffner -regrets

@Patrick Milhoan

@Sarah Ponichtera -regrets

@Jessica Crouch


  • Discuss “Making the Case for ArchivesSpace” infograph

  • Plan presentation to Council





Check-in: How is everyone?


“Making the Case for ArchivesSpace”

Making a Case for ArchivesSpace membership at your Organization


Presentation for Council

Regina sends infograph draft to Council for review before the meeting – circa April 18 and 19


Proposed general format:

  • Discuss the role of Member Engagement Subteam

  • Present “Making the Case for ArchivesSpace” for discussion

    • Is this effective? Put yourself in a non-member’s shoes – could you present this at your organization

    • Anything we are missing?

    • Format?

  • If we have time: Solicit other project ideas from Council

    • For example: we thought about surveying the community about communication channels


Next meeting: April 22 @ 2pm ET


Anything else?