2022-06-24 Meeting agenda and notes

2022-06-24 Meeting agenda and notes

Jun 24, 2022 at 11 am ET/ 10 am CT/ 9 am MT/ 8 am PT

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Meeting ID: 858 5014 1198
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Meeting ID: 858 5014 1198
Passcode: 454479
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@Regina Carra

@Bailey Hoffner-regrets

@Patrick Milhoan

@Sarah Ponichtera -regrets

@Jessica Crouch


  • Sub-team retrospective





Check-in: How is everyone?



Member Match coffee chat

Went well – good conversation.

Making the Case for ArchivesSpace infographic/website

Jessica taking this project to next steps. Demand for this resource to be available.

Impetus: re-imaging Educational Institutional Membership, Board wanted it to be roped in with that.

Member Match 2021-22 Wrap up:

End of Year Survey

Regina and Patrick finalized. – https://airtable.com/apppK0thzKnSnNfUI/tblDywYlPBseJs9kZ/viwe8plHiFlkjpWkU?blocks=hide

Patrick will write thank you email and include link – To be sent to listserv – June 30

Member Match 2022-23 launch

Jessica makes matches and informs participants – July 1

Regina-- Need to revise email language for that by next week

Sub-team Retrospective

Last year’s for reference: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/l/c/kXH1mSZu

This year’s retrospective: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/l/c/PyLSsAXM To be updated!

Final UAC Meeting – Tuesday, June 28

Bailey to do sub-team report and sharing of retrospective

Upcoming early in next term

Member Match launch event for late summer/fall