2021-07-30 Meeting agenda and notes

2021-07-30 Meeting agenda and notes

Jul 30, 2021 at 10:30am ET/ 9:30 CT/ 8:30 am MT/ 7:30 am PT

Call-in information:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 899 9050 5034
Passcode: 362661
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Meeting ID: 899 9050 5034
Passcode: 362661
Find your local number: https://lyrasis.zoom.us/u/kbr1CraP2u


@Regina Carra

@Bailey Hoffner

@Patrick Milhoan

@Sarah Ponichtera

@kate (Unlicensed)Blalack

@Jessica Crouch


  • Prepare for Member Match Mixer at Annual Forum

  • Set time for monthly reoccurring meeting





Member Match Program update

Question: Have all matches confirmed?

Jessica: 1 person withdrew (but already dealt with re-matching etc.); Some matches are 2, but there are also 3 sets of 3 - interested in learning how these different approaches worked


Member Match Mixer – Tuesday, August 3, 3:30pm


Registration: https://lyrasis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwlcOquqDIqG9Im_hz6MKIcrO8vbyBlxPiq

Idea: “get to know you” chat with breakout rooms

Topics for Breakout rooms:

ArchivesSpace Tech Talk - Christine

ArchivesSpace Tips & Tricks - Regina &/or Kate

Cats, Crafts, Books & More! - Bailey

Subteam role - spur/redirect conversation, if needed. Direct participants in and out of the break rooms

Feel free to pop back into main room if breakout room isn’t working

Questions: How many registrants? How many subteam members can attend?

Jessica: 23 people registered

No need to attend the same breakout room as your match/es, but certainly can.

For the future in-person: would be great to have an actual opportunity to go grab coffee with your match/es

Diversity Partnership Program Coffee Break – Tuesday, August 3, 10:30am




Ideal for subteam members to go and represent the ASpace community, if available

Regina, Bailey, Sarah, & Jessica plan to attend

Reoccurring monthly meeting time

Question: What time works best?

4th Friday of each month, 2 PM Eastern

Next Meeting August 27th


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