2022-03-25 Meeting agenda and notes

Mar 25, 2022 at 2pm ET/ 1pm CT/ 12 pm MT/ 11am PT

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Meeting ID: 858 5014 1198
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@Regina Carra

@Bailey Hoffner

@Patrick Milhoan

@Sarah Ponichtera -regrets

@Jessica Crouch -regrets


  • Finalize application & Promotional materials for Member Match

  • Discuss “Making the Case” draft





Check-in: How is everyone?


Promotional Materials and Program Updates


ArchivesSpace Member Match Program

Option to Participate in 3-person matches

Action Item - update the announcement of the applications going live


Airtable – https://airtable.com/appK3n2hsHqb0WMRb/tblimQHj0FfkKz9zM/viwoPgUgT7c0njc4T?blocks=hide

Update “To Apply” section of the Member Match Program Page

Make internal decision about which fields are the primary factors for matching, using the other fields for tie-breakers etc.

  • Optional Identity Questions

  • Hosting environment

  • Use case of Archivesspace

  • Size of staff

  • Technical Expertise

  • Goals & Expectations

  • Work Environment (# of people)

Ensure we continue to communicate how we are using the data we collect (for matches and/or for improving the program)

Possibly look into how the Interfaces function might help with making matches

Future note: possibly get application ready earlier to share with TAC or similar to get some sample data to be sure we’re getting what we want/need to make matches

Action Item - Sarah needs access to Airtable

Action Item - determine which fields we are determining matches by

ArchivesSpace Member Match Program

Proposed Member Match Deadlines


Application go Live Monday March 28th

Deadline end of April (29th last work day)

Monthly Listserv Discussion Topics - Calendar

Quarterly Member Match Meet-Ups - Calendar

Monthly Updates (end of every month) - needed by Jessica by 25th-ish

When to discuss “Making the Case for ArchivesSpace”?


Timeline: have draft ready by late March, early April for council comment


Member Match coffee chat?


Anything else?