2022-01-28 Meeting agenda and notes

2022-01-28 Meeting agenda and notes

Jan 28, 2022 at 2pm ET/ 1pm CT/ 12 pm MT/ 11am PT

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@Regina Carra

@Bailey Hoffner

@Patrick Milhoan

@Sarah Ponichtera

@Jessica Crouch


  • Review Member Match Survey responses

  • Discuss “Making the Case for ArchivesSpace”





Check-in: How is everyone?


Briefly recap December projects


Reminder – Joint TAC/UAC Meeting on February 16th at 11am ET


Review responses to Member Match Half-Year Survey.


Major Take-Aways:

Many members would like more group events (Jessica advises 12 or 2 pm Eastern as a sweet spot for various timezones)

Many members had challenges regularly communicating; Jessica suggested more regular emails from the team in the listserv, perhaps with Monthly Topics of discussion etc.

From PM: Do we have a way we can articulate what the expectation for participation in the program is? Seems like there was some frustration due to lack of engagement. Can we outline what the time commitment would/could/should be? Or will this actually limit involvement….

Discuss “Making the Case for ArchivesSpace”


Timeline: have draft ready by late March, early April for council comment


Assigning Tasks for February Working Meetings


Anything else?




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