2022-1-10 Meeting notes

2022-1-10 Meeting notes




Meeting information:

Zoom information is no longer being shared on publicly available wiki pages.  Check your calendar appointment or email from Jessica (Jessica.crouch@lyrasis.org) for connection information. 


5 minJessica Crouch

Happy New Year! 

Welcome and announcements

5 min

Old Business


Discussion from past meetings:

The team decided to try a discussion session at the online forum on plugins.  This would be a 1 hour session.  Online forum dates are March 21-22, 2022.

30 min

New Business/Open Discussion


External solr, upcoming release, other updates

The ArchivesSpace developer position is open.  Learn more at https://archivesspace.org/archives/7250.

Please share to those you think might be interested or to any groups you are part of.


Brian's topics/open discussion:


  • How ArchivesSpace handles dependences (Jetty/Solr/Rails)
  • Discussion about tech documentation, API documentation and the development of PR/commit documentation or policy. 
    • Brian is working on API documentation and developing robust examples
  • How ArchivesSpace handles releases/the release schedule

Team topics/open discussion

Questions about best practice for setting up an OAI interface.  There is some confusion about how to do this and ArchivesSpace's tech docs could probably be reviewed to improve this https://archivesspace.github.io/tech-docs/architecture/oai-pmh/ page and it would be helpful to have a page on turning the OAI feed on here, ideally with some example nginx &/or apache config: https://archivesspace.github.io/tech-docs/readme_implement.html

A discussion came up about how and why ArchivesSpace renders pdfs differently in the SUI and PUI.  improving pdf performance is an older issue that this team could probably advise on and maybe see some movement but we would need wider community input.  We discussed identifying older issues and Jiras that CC could advise on and then pass to Dev Pro for their input and community consideration. 

Next month Brian is going to present this issue to the team for consideration and discussion. 

Specification for digital object display:

ANW-1209 - Getting issue details... STATUS

1 minEveryone

Our next meeting is February 14, 2022 at 2pm ET/11am PT

Do we want to change our meeting schedule/time?

Future Items:

  • Team project: Pull request / commit history policy and documentation

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