2020-03-19 Meeting notes

2020-03-19 Meeting notes




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Meeting ID: 992 507 390

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Meeting ID: 992 507 390

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10 minJessica/EveryoneHow's everybody doin'?
5 minLoraGreg welcomed a baby boy and future core committer!
10 min Everyone

Old Business

  • Developer Onboarding wiki pages for review and enhancement - /wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/894533891
  • Rubocop - Keep this on a the agenda but currently no activity
  • Dave - Anything from the Ad Hoc API group
  • Steve -investigating other database backends other than mysql
  • Mark and Lora - Exploring front end tests and how to improve

  • Setting up an organized testing method.  Mark and Lora's work will be a help.

Mark and Lora/Testing-

  • this is very much an ongoing project.  has expanded to back end testing and improving testing across the board to make it more reliable.  Looking at githubaccess to replace travis. 
  • Where and how do we want to document this?
    • In tech docs and also in the dev. onboard resources in the wiki?
  • There's a larger conversation about decoupling tech docs from building a release and if this is a good idea.  Dave offered some insight into how the tech docs sub-team operates. 

5 minEveryoneSlack - Does everyone has access?
10 minEveryone

New Business/Open Discussion

In a few weeks, once everyone has had a chance to adjust to WFH and social distancing, it may be a good idea to look at scheduling an open call for people interested in development of ArchivesSpace and getting started.  We can do the first call on Zoom, gauge interest, begin building a community on slack and hold these conversations and calls via slack moving forward. 
3 minEveryone
10 minAssigneeOpen Pull Requests (is:pr is:open base:master assignee:[name])Comments

Anw 462 - WIP
#1764 opened on Jan 8 by lorawoodford


Pass resource record to PUI PDF footer template 
#1829 opened 8 days ago by andrew-morrison

ANW-148: Remove OCLC search from LCNAF plugin 
#1811 opened 28 days ago by lorawoodford 

fix for json ld when dates of existence lacked a begin or end value i… 
#1780 opened on Jan 19 by fordmadox

SteveModify the view published button in the staff interface toolbar
#1825 opened 12 days ago by andrew-morrison


Option for preferences to set locale 
#1810 opened 29 days ago by mark-cooper


ANW-257: Add hint to adding Assessment Attributes 
#1808 opened 29 days ago by lorawoodford 

ANW-805: Change logic for when dao/daogrp/daolink get "internal" audience attributes 
#1807 opened 29 days ago by andrew-morrison



MySQL backend tests updated cont. 
#1838 opened 4 days ago by mark-cooper

ANW-921 PUI citation tabs 
#1830 opened 7 days ago by brianzelip

ANW-953 heading tweak 
#1828 opened 10 days ago by brianzelip

#1824 opened 13 days ago by mark-cooper

Fixes #1488 by switching on WheelEvent.deltaMode 
#1489 opened on Mar 20, 2019 by pobocks

5 minEveryoneOur next meeting will be Thursday, April 16th at 1pm ET