2017-08-14 Core Committers Meeting notes
2017-08-14 Core Committers Meeting notes
- Steven D. Majewski (Unlicensed)
- Mark Cooper (Unlicensed)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Alex Duryee
- Trevor Thornton
- Christine Kim
- Esha Datta
- William Mayo (Unlicensed)
- Discuss comments from GitHub Reorganization Document
- Talk about testing requirements/expectations
- Review Issues and Pull requests
Discussion items
- GitHub Reorganization Document - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OKng_w5DoB44-IAUKx5Jei290AtxfaT76Xu5BmbdZy4/edit?ts=598ca883
- Dave Mayo
- How do plugins supported directly by Lyrasis (I'm thinking of aspace-jsonmodel-from-format) fit in?
- There's been talk of maintaining curated lists to third-party plugins and integrations - it seems to me like it might make sense to either link out to said lists OR directly maintain the lists in the READMEs of the relevant ASpace repos. I think for Plugins, this particularly makes sense maybe?
- Lora Woodford
- Deprecated repo - This isn't the place for it per se, but I'm just curious how this will work? Will this just kinda happen or will this be communicated somehow? Also, based on the comment that archivesspace-labs content won't be tested/tested against latest releases, does that mean archivesspace-labs repos won't ever end up here, or is that still a possibility (if, for example, we have confirmation from the archivesspace-labs contributors that a project is definitely being depreciated)?
- Dave Mayo
- Current level of testing and ways to improve moving forward
- Issue - https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/issues/647
- Pull request - https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/pull/924
Action items
- Deprecated repo is not an authoritative list of everything we know that is deprecated - archivesspace-labs is not included in this.
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