2019-10-17 Meeting notes

2019-10-17 Meeting notes





Meeting information:

October 17, 2019 at 2pm EST


Discussion Items

  • Action items from last meeting
  • Discussion topics
    • Developer Onboarding wiki pages for review and enhancement - /wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/894533891
    • How to handle PRs that are a good start but are not complete
      • Create feature branch in the core code repo with PR from forks
      • Add WIP label to the beginning of the title of the PR when a reviewer thinks it needs more before merging to show that it is being worked on
      • if it is enough to put into core code but can be enhanced later, go ahead and merge the PR and open a GitHub Issue with wht needs to happen next along with adding links in both directions to any corresponding Jira tickets
      • Good litmus test for determining whether to put in a Jira ticket or a GitHub issue is whether it needs to go through the development prioritization group. If so, put in a Jira ticket, if not, put in a GitHub issue.
    • Github Issue - Startup failure on fresh instance due to non-UTF-8 table, #1697. Reference https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/mysql-utf8mb4#column-index-lengthhttps://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/pull/1700
    • MariaDB support
  • PRs merged since last meeting
1466ANW-669: bugfix for attributes in mixed content causing validation errors Bria Parker, Christine diBella, and Laney McGlohon
1544ANW-736: fix issues with reordering archival objects Lora Woodford and Alex Duryee
1587Anw 892 Lora Woodford
1617Catch exceptions and log activityLora Woodford
1654Add new configuration option for mode the staff link on the PUI opens records in the staff interfaceSteve Majewski
  • PRs closed since last meeting
1587closed because decided commas in addresses was best handled by modifying the PDF stylesheet
1619closed because updating gems needs to be handled by a separate release
  • Review 
    • current pull requests

switching on WheelEvent.deltaMode

Laney McGlohon

ANW-758 (FOP fonts)

Laney McGlohon

Show an error message when the RDE hits a Sequel validation error

Steve Majewski

Removing empty test directories

Laney McGlohon
1667Custom reports

make process for creating language notes more efficient


Add/update API docs

Dave Mayo


recognise more utf8 encodings

Action items

  • continue to look at utf8mb3 vs utf8mb4 implications

  • work on MariaDB recommendations
  • Steve is looking into oEmbed support