2020-04-16 Meeting notes

2020-04-16 Meeting notes




Steve Majewski (Unlicensed)

Bria Lynn Parker (Unlicensed)

Lora Woodford

Alexander Duryee (Deactivated)

Mark Cooper (Unlicensed)

Jessica Crouch

Unable to Attend

Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)

Gregory Wiedeman (Unlicensed)

Meeting information:

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Meeting ID: 992 507 390

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Meeting ID: 992 507 390

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10 minJessica/EveryoneHow's everybody doin'?
5 minJessicaAnother, more secure, zoom link going forwardJessica will be sending a new calendar invite a more secure zoom appointment link. 
10 min Everyone

Old Business

  • Developer Onboarding wiki pages for review and enhancement - /wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/894533891
  • Rubocop - Keep this on a the agenda but currently no activity
  • Dave - Anything from the Ad Hoc API group
  • Steve -investigating other database backends other than mysql
  • Mark and Lora - Exploring front end tests and how to improve
    • Where do we want to document this?
      • In tech docs and the wiki?
  • Decoupling tech docs from a release
  • Open Calls
    • Can now be facilitated in slack but first will probably still be in Zoom
    • Online Forum participation (May 18-21)

Notes on testing:  

This can probably get removed as a standing item.  

The tests have been improved and are all working! 

Travis tests are still there but tests are also now run in GitHub actions.  Tests can be split for what GitHub calls "workflows," meaning front end, back end etc and you can elect to run a test on just one "workflow."

These tests should improve overall consistency.

By default the tests run heedlessly but you can configure this.

Tests work with Firefox and all but the front end test works with Chrome. 

You can monitor the status of your tests in slack.  The sidebar will turn green or red depending on if it passes or fails. 

Jessica will work to get this documented tech docs and will review the developer onboarding wiki pages to see what they say about testing and correct there. 

Takeaway: Tests can now be considered reliable and a pass should be considered required to move forward

10 minEveryone

New Business/Open Discussion

  • Upcoming release and code freeze

The next release is tentatively scheduled for mid-May so a code freeze is expected at the start of May.  

If you think you will have trouble getting your assigned PRs reviewed and merged by then, this is totally understandable, just let Lora know as soon as you can. 

3 minEveryone

Closed Pull Requests since March 19, 2020
(is:pr is:closed base:master merged:>2020-02-20)

10 minAssigneeOpen Pull Requests (is:pr is:open base:master assignee:[name])Comments


#1844 opened 27 days ago by pobocks

AlexANW-805: Change logic for when dao/daogrp/daolink get "internal" audience attributes 
#1807 opened on Feb 17 by andrew-morrison


Date filter fixes
#1852 opened 19 days ago by andrew-morrison

DaveIssue #393: Only use pagingation for calls going through handle_listing 
#1864 opened 2 minutes ago by lorawoodford

Issue #1384: Use correct method for classification_terms/parent endpoint 
#1867 opened 2 minutes ago by lorawoodford


Change PUI container display page search results title ANW-867 
#1832 opened on Mar 10 by AustinTSchaffer



Arcspc 658 for submission - title sort numeric-sensitive
#1854 opened 15 days ago by michael-lts

ANW-700 Add Related Accessions id to Resource edit mode
#1846 opened 24 days ago by brianzelip

ANW-172 Show all sub record dates in tree
#1845 opened 26 days ago by brianzelip  Changes requested

Generalized table improvements to core 
#1844 opened 27 days ago by pobocks 6 of 9

Fixes #1488 by switching on WheelEvent.deltaMode 
#1489 opened on Mar 20, 2019 by pobocks

5 minEveryoneOur next meeting will be Thursday, May 21st at 1pm ET