2017-07-14 Meeting notes

2017-07-14 Meeting notes




  • First Meeting

Discussion items

  1. Decide on communication pathways - whether there should be a mailing list, a google group, both? Need a slack channel? IRC channel? Other mechanism? Who should have access to these mechanisms?
  2. Dates, times, and frequency of the core committer’s calls.  Who leads the calls? Me – as ArchivesSpace Tech Lead? Someone else from the group? Should it be a rotating responsibility?
  3. Should others be added to the initial group? I thought keeping it small would be the best way to start out…
  4. Get contributor licensing agreements filled out and signed – Seehttps://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/tree/master/contributing for more information and the forms to fill out.
  5. Discuss Guidelines

Action items

  • Mailing list for the six
  • Start with monthly meetings Laney to make the doodle poll for specific dates
  • Dave send info for others to join
  • Add guidelines as google document
  • confluence and JIRA logins for everyone
  • github access to merge to master
  • email with reorg of the code

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