2021-11-08 Meeting notes

2021-11-08 Meeting notes




Meeting information:

Zoom information is no longer being shared on publicly available wiki pages.  Check your calendar appointment or email from Jessica (Jessica.crouch@lyrasis.org) for connection information. 


5 minJessica CrouchWelcome and Announcements
5 min

Old Business


Discussion from last week:

The team decided to try a discussion session at the online forum on plugins.  This would be a 1 hour session.  Online forum dates tbd.

Depending on how the next few months go, it may be beneficial to have the next open call in very early 2022 on external Solr.  We can discuss this at our next meeting after the external Solr webinar on the 3rd.

40 min

New Business/Open Discussion


External solr, upcoming release, other updates

External Solr webinar went well.  There are plans for documentation and a screencast in the works.  CC will stay in the loop and may have places they can help with education and messaging. 


New additions to the group.  

Two suggestions made since our last meeting. To be discussed as a group. 

Brian is going to reach out to the two new suggested team members and see what happens. 


Open discussion time

Lora announced her last day at ArchivesSpace will be November 19th. 

Dave is going to submit a ticket about issues with the loading top containers via load via spreadsheet.

1 minEveryoneOur next meeting is December 13, 2021 at 2pm ET/11am PT

Future Items:

  • Team project: Pull request / commit history policy and documentation
    This is a worthwhile project that the team will back burner until after the development docs review. There may be some content to poach from that. It is worth identifying how much of what we need from people submitting PRs can be automated (review of the check boxes/requirements at the bottom of the form) and if/how to apply GitHub branch rules.

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